is a young woman who exudes strength and grace.
She can also be described as a true victor and an example to many women.
Carita is an angel mom time three. After experiencing her first two losses,
she was led by God to begin sharing her story publicly. Her motivation for
sharing this journey was to remind other women that they were not alone. She
also wanted to make it known that child loss and infertility did not only
happen to certain groups of women. Anyone could find themselves in this seat.
Most recently Carrita has created Love Always, Carrita. This
was created to shine a light on the healing abilities of writing. Carrita began
writing and published her first in 2019. Carrita found writing to be therapeutic
and healing for her and began encouraging others to write daily as well, even
if it is a simple journal entry. Writing heals.
Carrita is a published author, NICU advocate, and inspirational
speaker and overall supporter of women.